⌘ Styx - Database
Database structure
- serendipity_authors
- serendipity_groups
- serendipity_groupconfig
- serendipity_authorgroups
- serendipity_access
- serendipity_comments
- serendipity_entries
- serendipity_references
- serendipity_exits
- serendipity_referrers
- serendipity_config
- serendipity_options
- serendipity_suppress
- serendipity_plugins
- serendipity_category
- serendipity_images
- serendipity_entrycat
- serendipity_entryproperties
- serendipity_mediaproperties
- serendipity_permalinks
- serendipity_plugincategories
- serendipity_pluginlist
Holds the users/authors. Columns are:
- authorid: Primary ID
- realname: The full author name
- username: The loginname
- password: Hashed password
- email: E-Mail
- userlevel: User level (0,1,255) of the user
- right_publish: Whether author is allowed to publish
- hashtype: Used password hash (2: bcrypt)
- mail_comments: Configuration option “receive mail notifications for comments”
- mail_trackbacks: Configuration option “receive mail notifications for trackbacks”
Holds the user groups
- id: Primary ID
- Name: Name of the group
Holds ACL configuration data of usergroups
- id: Foreign key of serendipity_groups.id
- property: Property name
- value: Property value
Holds n:m associations for users to groups
- groupid: Foreign key of serendipity_groups.id
- authorid: Foreign key of serendipity_authors.authorid
Holds access control lists for any kind of stored data (entries, categories, entries) to indicate which author is allowed to access what. Access is granted on a usergroup level.
- groupid: Foreign key of serendipity_groups
- artifact_id: Foreign key of the item that gets controlled
- artifact_type: Type of the item (entry, category, …)
- artifact_mode: Read or write
- artifact_index: Possible additional data for an item
Holds the comments to entries
- id: Primary ID
- entry_id: Foreign key of serendipity_entries.id
- parent_id: For threaded comments holds the foreign key of serendipity_comments.id
- timestamp: Time of the comment
- title: Title of a comment (trackbacks)
- author: Author of a comment
- email: E-Mail of the comment’s author
- url: URL of the comment
- ip: IP of the comment’s author
- body: The comment body
- type: Comment type (trackback, comment, pingback)
- subscribed: String bool ("true|false") Whether the comment’s author wants subscription notifications of more comments
- status: Whether the comment is approved/pending
- referer: URL of the referrer
Holds the blog entries
- id: Primary ID
- title: Entry title
- timestamp: Entry timestamp
- body: Entry body
- comments: Number of comments for this entry
- trackbacks: Number of trackbacks for this entry
- extended: Extended entry body
- exflag: Boolean to indicate if entry has extended body
- author: Name of the entry’s author
- authorid: Foreign key to serendipity_authors.id
- isdraft: String bool ("true|false") to indicate if entry is a draft
- allow_comments: String bool ("true|false") to indicate if comments are allowed
- last_modified: Timestamp of last modification
- moderate_comments: String bool ("true|false") to indicate if comments are moderated
Holds parsed references within a blog entry
- id: Primary ID
- entry_id: Foreign key to serendipity_entries.id
- link: The link that is references
- name: Link title
- type: Link type
Holds external URLs that are captured through exit tracking
- entry_id: Foreign key to serendipity_entries.id where the URL was linked from
- day: Timestamp of when a link was clicked
- count: Number of clicks
- scheme: URL scheme
- host: URL host
- port: URL port
- path: URL path
- query: URL query part
Holds external URLs that reference to blog entries
- entry_id: Foreign key to serendipity_entries.id where the URL was linked to
- day: Timestamp of when a link was incoming
- count: Number of clicks
- scheme: URL scheme
- host: URL host
- port: URL port
- path: URL path
- query: URL query part
Holds the central serendipity configuration options
- name: Name of the config option
- value: Value of the config option
- authorid: 0 if global, or reference to the authorid that the configuration option is valid for
Holds template options.
- name: Name of the config option
- value: Value of the config option
- okey: Key/ID of the template the config option belongs to
Holds URLs that are blocked from exit-tracking
- ip: Incoming IP
- scheme: URL scheme
- host: URL host
- port: URL port
- path: URL path
- query: URL query part
- last: Last access
Holds the list of enabled plugins
- name: Name of the plugin
- placement: Type of plugin (event, sidebar, hidden, …)
- sort_order: Sort order ID of the plugin
- authorid: Owner of the plugin
- path: Path to plugin directory
Holds the categories of a blog.
- categoryid: Primary ID
- category_name: Category name
- category_icon: A category icon
- category_description: Description of category
- authorid: Owner of category
- category_left: Nested Set ID of next category for hierarchy
- category_right: Nested Set ID of previous category for hierarchy
- parentid: Parent category for hierarchy
- sort_order: Sort order of a category within parent hierarchy
- hide_sub: Boolean whether subcategories are hidden
Holds media items of the database
- id: Primary ID
- name: Name of media file
- extension: Extension of media file
- mime: Mime-Type of media file
- size: Filesize
- dimensions_width: Image dimensions (width)
- dimensions_height: Image dimensions (height)
- date: Upload date
- thumbnail_name: Thumbnail extension name
- authorid: Owner of media file
- path: Storage directory of media file
- hotlink: Whether media file is hotlinked (comes from foreign server)
- realname: Full media file
Holds n:m associations of entries to categories
- entryid: Foreign key to serendipity_entries.id
- categoryid: Foreign key to serendipity_category.categoryid
Holds additional entry properties
- entryid: Foreign key to serendipity_entries.id
- property: Property name
- value: Property value
Holds additional properties of media files
- mediaid: Foreign key to serendipity_images.id
- property: Property name
- property_group: Property main group
- property_subgroup: Property sub group
- value: Property value
Holds the created permalinks for articles, authors and categories for lookup purposes.
- permalink: The URL
- entry_id: The ID of an item
- type: The type of an item (entry, author, category, …)
- data: Additional data
Holds categorization information for available plugins
- class_name: Plugin class name
- category: Name of category the plugin belongs to
Holds information about all available plugins
- plugin_file: Plugin filename
- class_name: Plugin class name with identifier
- plugin_class: Normal plugin class name
- pluginPath: Directory for plugin file
- name: Name of plugin
- description: Description of plugin
- version: Version of plugin
- upgrade_version: Repository version of plugin
- plugintype: Type of plugin (event/sidebar)
- pluginlocation: Storage location of plugin
- stackable: Whether plugin is installable multiple times
- author: Author of plugin
- requirements: Installation requirements
- website: Author of plugin
- last_modified: Time of last plugin update