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Serendipity Styx 3.3.1 release

N° 2021/2 - The Serendipity Styx 3.3.1 release php8

Heading to Styx 3.4 some odd behaviours mainly for PHP 8 were found that made it happen to release an intermediate point bugfix release.

Styx 3.3.1 applies

  • Fix history plugin for multiyears with a non matching leap day case
  • Some new filter status state icons were added
  • The [ Pure, PSG, Dude, B46 ] themes got some minor improvements and fixes
  • In the core, a cased PHP 8 (hidden) error by an empty frontend stylesheet call was fixed
  • Improved multi engine themes configuration load behaviour, fixing an old bug
  • Intentional estimated for 3.4, but for now removed deprecated old default widgets from dashboard overview (and adding an upgrade task to clean up)
  • Fix some PHP 8 installer issues with SQLite and PostreSQL databases
  • Update template assets jQuery lib to 3.6.0
  • some other fixes

Check out the ChangeLog for details, or even read the commit history for more. See download

What next?