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Serendipity Styx 4.0-rc1 release

N° 2022/08 - The Serendipity Styx 4.0-rc1 release php8.2

4.0-rc1 - Public Release Candidate 1

Thanks for the help with our last Beta2. More 😎 improvements were made! Please help for making this upcoming 4.0 release a very smooth release.

Styx 4.0-rc1 contains

  • Finished the comments escape refactoring. From now on a mix of switched markup editors should not matter anymore for elder blogs.
  • NEW: Deny mixing of PLAIN TEXT editor default buttons in the entry forms when used with markup editors like markdown or textile plugins. A workaround variable for the old behaviour is supported. Read the news (changelog) file. This new (more strict) behaviour clarifies what you actually have and (want to) use.
  • This and that to both relations for consistencies and other minor improvements.

Check out the ChangeLog for details, or even read the commit history for more. See download.

What next?